Do you want to learn Spring Framework

The Spring framework(which is commonly known as Spring) has emerged as a solution to all these complications This framework uses various new techniques such as Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), Plain Old Java Object (POJO), and dependency injection (DI), to develop enterprise applications, thereby removing the complexities involved while developing enterprise applications using EJB, Spring is an open source lightweight framework that allows Java EE 7 developers to build simple, reliable, and scalable enterprise applications. This framework mainly focuses on providing various ways to help you manage your business objects. It made the development of Web applications much easier as compared to classic Java frameworks and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), such as Java database connectivity(JDBC), JavaServer Pages(JSP), and Java Servlet.

The Spring framework can be considered as a collection of sub-frameworks, also called layers, such as Spring AOP. Spring Object-Relational Mapping (Spring ORM). Spring Web Flow, and Spring Web MVC. It is a lightweight application framework used for developing enterprise applications. You can use any of these modules separately while constructing a Web application. The modules may also be grouped together to provide better functionalities in a Web application. Spring framework is loosely coupled because of dependency Injection.

Refers to the core container that uses the DI or IoC pattern to implicitly provide an object reference in a class during runtime. This pattern acts as an alternative to the service locator pattern. The IoC container contains assembler code that handles the configuration management of application objects. The Spring framework provides two packages, namely org.springframework.beans and org.springframework.context which helps in providing the functionality of the IoC container.

Generates Web service endpoints and definitions based on Java classes, but it is difficult to manage them in an application. To solve this problem, Spring Web Service provides layered-based approaches that are separately managed by Extensible Markup Language (XML) parsing (the technique of reading and manipulating XML). Spring provides effective mapping for transmitting incoming XML message request to an object and the developer to easily distribute XML message (object) between two machines.

Learn others - Once you understands the basic of Spring then other related technologies like Spring MVC and Spring Boot etc. are become easier to understand.

There are many platforms where Spring Framework is taught, but I will tell you some platforms from where you can learn Spring Framework very well, let me provide you some links and you will see from them, I guarantee that your 100% Spring Framework will be good.

you can learn by YouTube
you can learn by GeeksforGeeks
you can learn by JavaTPoint

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