Do you want to learn Hibernate

Hibernate is a Java framework that simplifies the development of Java application to interact with the database. It is an open source, lightweight, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool. Hibernate implements the specifications of JPA (Java Persistence API) for data persistence.

Open Source and Lightweight: Hibernate framework is open source under the LGPL license and lightweight.
Fast Performance: The performance of hibernate framework is fast because cache is internally used in hibernate framework. There are two types of cache in hibernate framework first level cache and second level cache. First level cache is enabled by default.
Database Independent Query: HQL (Hibernate Query Language) is the object-oriented version of SQL. It generates the database independent queries. So you don't need to write database specific queries. Before Hibernate, if database is changed for the project, we need to change the SQL query as well that leads to the maintenance problem.
Automatic Table Creation: Hibernate framework provides the facility to create the tables of the database automatically. So there is no need to create tables in the database manually.
Simplifies Complex Join: Fetching data from multiple tables is easy in hibernate framework.
Provides Query Statistics and Database Status: Hibernate supports Query cache and provide statistics about query and database status.

It is a java framework which is used to develop persistence logic. Persistence logic means to store and process the data for long use. More precisely Hibernate is an open-source, non-invasive, light-weight java ORM(Object-relational mapping) framework to develop objects which are independent of the database software and make independent persistence logic in all JAVA, JEE.

Framework means it is special install-able software that provides an abstraction layer on one or more technologies like JDBC, Servlet, etc to simplify or reduce the complexity for the development process.

Learn others - Once you understands the basic of Hibernate then other related technologies like SpringSpring MVC, and Spring Boot etc. are become easier to understand.

There are many platforms where Hibernate is taught, but I will tell you some platforms from where you can learn Hibernate very well, let me provide you some links and you will see from them, I guarantee that your 100% Hibernate will be good.

you can learn by YouTube
you can learn by GeeksforGeeks
you can learn by JavaTPoint

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